BODY WASH沐浴乳~植物性復合除氯配方-台灣水上芭蕾指定使用MIT植物性除氯沐浴乳PH5.6和Shoop洗髮精PH5.4


SYNCHRO TAIWAN台灣水上芭蕾指定使用MIT植物性除氯沐浴乳PH5.6Shoop洗髮精PH5.4

身體清潔系列-SYNCHRO TW BODY WASH沐浴乳~植物性復合除氯配方

Synchro Taiwan 代表健康、美麗、自信且時尚,表現出水上芭蕾運動與人類體能極限之美及時尚感,懂得生活、也懂得品味的運動名媛。
臺灣水上芭蕾俱樂部推動的理念之一就是追求健康的生活,創辦人 Vincent Shih為了保護家人及全球水上芭蕾選手健康,特別禮聘古國隆博士率俄羅斯團隊研發;臺灣國際ISO-22716GMP認證廠製造的專屬除氯配方沐浴乳。產品添加細葉山葡萄、山芙蓉、野牡丹等植物性複合成份,特別推荐於游泳後的身體清潔,植物性複合成份,可強化皮膚表面殘餘氯的清除,維持肌膚清潔健康。成為一個當前最時尚的運動名媛時,一定需具備有保護肌膚的除氯沐浴乳,讓追求健康的水上芭蕾運動名媛,擁有一瓶除氯沐浴乳,這是創辦人Vincent Shih在泳池邊指導水上芭蕾時,並為了保護家人及水上芭蕾選手健康的創作,讓追求健康時也能使肌膚不被氯的傷害,瓶裝圖案設計為義大利設計師Jacob Saint Lui特別設計的圖樣,讓日常清潔用品除氯沐浴乳,成為一件生活品味的專屬時尚運動配件,展現水上芭蕾運動菁英貴族的形象。

This is a brand of the synchronized swimming daily necessities. In addition to demonstrating synchronized swimming, it also shows the beauty of human physical limits.Their trength does not come from winning, but from the process of development from the struggle of training. This comes from the firm belief that when they are determined not to give up and overcome the tribulations through synchronized swimming. This will be to the credit of Taiwan's new women's power and more. Send this to a friend to help them to contribute to this effort.

品牌故事Brand Story
Synchro TAIWAN的經典,從印著雙人水上芭蕾運動名媛標誌開始,原因無他,創辦人 Vincent Shih是台灣水上芭蕾運動的創辦人,夫人則是俄羅斯水上芭蕾健將,雙人舞者則來自vincent先生泳池訓練學員的靈感,並禮聘俄羅斯Tanya Golovizina 當代藝術工作者設計而成。說Synchro TAIWAN及Synchro TW品牌是由義大利年輕設計師Jacob Saint Lui 為了代表台灣出國比賽的水上芭蕾選手所專屬的,更貼切地形容是休閒時尚。S.T. logo、雙人舞者躍出水面的水波紋、等都是品牌象徵Synchro Taiwan 及Synchro TW代表健康、美麗、自信且時尚,表現出水上芭蕾運動與人類體能極限之美及時尚感,懂得生活、也懂得品味的運動名媛。
Our Synchro Taiwan Classic duet logo was designed in cooperation with Tanya Goloviznina, who is a reputable Russian artist, following Vincent Shih’s idea that was inspired by watching the actions of synchronized swimmers in the water Another new logo is the ST (Synchro Taiwan) logo, which represents Taiwanese synchronized swimming, and will also represent confidence, beauty and fashion, which will represent the achievements of excelling in this sport. The Italian designer Jacob Saint Lui designed the products brands that will be advertised by the Taiwan synchronized swimming team when they take part in international competitions. This will also bring forth a new fashion, and will open the way for a swimmer to cultivate good taste.


★SYNCHRO TW (Dechlorination)

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